Apple updates Shazam with new features
Apple has unveiled an update to Shazam (version 18.9), the music identification service it acquired in 2018. The newest release integrates songs identified outside the app into the Shazam playlist on both Apple Music and Spotify.
We’ve made syncing songs to Apple Music and Spotify better than ever! Shazam will now include songs found via Music Recognition in Control Center, Siri, and Shortcuts to your “My Shazam Tracks” playlist in Apple Music or Spotify.
Simply toggle “Sync your songs” off and on in Shazam settings to re-sync all your previously discovered songs from the Shazam app. You may need to reopen Spotify to see the playlist refreshed.
Don’t forget to keep your Shazam History safe and in sync between your devices. To do this, turn on iCloud sync in Shazam Settings.
MacDailyNews Take: Shazaam is available via Apple’s App Store here.
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